Our vision

Every project brings an opportunity for a meaningful experience. Our approach is people-centric; every project should bring delight to and serve its users. We view each place in context; no matter how small, it is a catalyst for positive change to its surrounding environment. The key to a successful project is a strong multi-disciplinary collaboration from project inception, to develop innovative solutions. Each project must meet the objectives of city and community building and achieve urban design excellence.

Meet our team

Our team of Boston-based urban designers and architects have extensive experience in transportation infrastructure architecture and transit-oriented development projects across the country. They bring that expertise to their work on roadways, bridges, and public transportation projects.

Diane Sokal Headshot

Diane Sokal, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Senior Architect

As a Senior Architect / Project Manager, Diane Sokal brings four decades of experience in the planning, design and construction of transportation, laboratory, industrial and higher education facilities. A LEED accredited professional (LEED AP BD+C), Diane promotes sustainability and resiliency through creative and collaborative work with multi-disciplinary design and construction teams. Diane’s personal commitment to sustainability can be seen in her local and state-wide volunteer work focused on fossil fuel free construction and green transportation initiatives.