Brookline, MA

Davis Path Footbridge

The Davis Path Footbridge and Davis Path provided an important connection in the Town’s pedestrian network as a safe north-south connection over the D-Branch MBTA tracks to Emerson Garden, the Library, Town Hall, Police Station, Pierce School, Brookline Village and neighborhoods to the west, and Boylston Street. The Davis Path Footbridge was deemed unsafe and removed in spring of 2020.
UIL is the architect for the replacement of the bridge and interface with the adjacent Boylston Street Playground, and has developed solutions to create a safe pedestrian crossing across Boylston Street linking Davis Path with Walnut Path. The footbridge is recognized as a vital part of reaching community goals and will “help realize the community’s vision of transforming the corridor into a place defined by walkability, multi-modal transportation, and contextually—appropriate urban character—a mix of uses, open space, and an active public realm.”

Town of Brookline
Prime Consultant
Services Provided
In progress